Camp Outs
Projects are a very important part of scouting. But overall I think camp outs are most important. About half of the activities I was in were camp outs. Camp outs are a great simple way to get progress on badges. In scouting camp outs are done in order to get outdoor activity away from gaming electronics, continue to further perform requirements for badges, & have fun & experience in the woods.
Camp outs are basically a group of 2 or more (typically the whole troop in my case.[s.]) people packing up backpacks with a couple days worth of food, clothes, snacks, a First Aid-Kit, tents, sleeping bags, & other items that you might need like bug spray or a flashlight & in this case a scout handbook.
We get to a designated spot & set up tents & camp out there for a day or 2. Start campfires, (don't ever leave it unattended) cook food on them, play games & sports with the people that came with you, tell stories & make delicious hot s' mores A scout camp out you always want to find a time to work on a project or other requirements for badges. But we also try to leave the area better than we found it.
Every year there is a week long camp out in designated areas. I forgot where the ones I went to were & called. But it was worth it. You'd be surprised with how many badges you can earn in a week of camping. The camp spots I went to had a lake which was used for canoeing, swimming, & fishing. There's a climb wall meant for, you guessed it, climbing & repelling. Also the coolest thing was the giant chess board.
Also simple camping & hazards aren't all. There are photography, robotics, & all kinds of electronic badges at these locations! Even a S.T.E.M. building is available! It rocks!
In scouts we do many projects & services in order to save up enough money to go on these week long camp outs. I know that in Muskogee OK. popcorn sales are performed. Other cities sales like cookies might count. I don't think lemonade stands actually work well. Odd jobs do the trick on some occasions but my troop typically try sales if possible.
Overall, if you can say that you have been a scout & have never gone camping I probably won't believe you. Camping is fun, exciting, & lots of work & preparations. I recommend going on a camp out at some point in each year even if you want nothing to do with scouting.
By Jonathan Tyson Mish. |